You know that feeling of dread you get when you encounter a problem in your business, life or sport where you need to just stop, breathe, be present and make a decision; but, despite knowing this you can’t make a conscious decision? Your brain blacks out, you become emotional and end up in a downward spiral of shutdown autopilot? In some cases our mental pathways and muscle memories can carry us through to the other side, other times it is not so successful.
It is stressful. This mental shut down used to happen to me a lot.
So, what was the change?
Something that helped me switch back on when my brain switched off was to think PINEAPPLE!
A single word to activate a neural pathway process can be a simpler way to check you back in to reality, snap you back into a mindful current state, and allow you to make conscious decisions in moments of stress.
It started as a bit of a joke some 17 years ago, but I’ve now seen firsthand the benefits of utilising the Pineapple Principles. I changed the way I managed work and play. But especially in my sport where I’ve tended to go into autopilot at competitions and rely on muscle or neural pathway memory.
So, please use my Pineapple Principles to:
- Snap in (when you lose focus)
- Snap out (when you need a break or disconnect from intensity)
- Tune in (pay attention to others)
- Tune out (when the others don’t deserve your time)
There is a tonne of information out there focussed on breathing techniques, automatic thoughts, choosing how to deal with ‘unproductive’ versus ‘productive worry’, and acceptance approaches. I highly suggest working through these with a psychologist.
Working in your business and/or sport can be difficult enough and it can take time to retrain your headspace. But for the sake of your business today, if you find yourself working through an issue, an emotion or some anxiety, and need to work through the headspace just think “Pineapple,” and let me know if it helps!
Failing that, if you like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, then Pineapples are for you!
Dedicating this blog to my best friend, whom I’ve pineapple-d on so many occasions I’ve lost count. May she continue to inspire me and drive me.